The Hindu : Sport / Cricket : A warm welcome for Sri Lankan players

I know the World Cup is over but I just came across this article and felt the need to share. We are indeed a gracious nation. The Hindu : Sport / Cricket : A warm welcome for Sri Lankan players.

My Favourite Songs – well just three of them!

These three songs always hit a nerve with me. I will always stop and listen if ever they are played, be it on the radio or as the first dance at a wedding. I love Stings music and have come to love the The Real Thing and The Temptations although both these groups are from … Continue reading


Thanks alot Black! NOT! 🙂 The rules; 1. Write five words to describe how you feel about the recent events in Sri Lanka 2. Tag five bloggers 3. Wait and watch what happens My 5 words; 1. Happy 2. Doubtful 3. Hopeful 4. Uncertain 5. Jaded