Action packed February!

Its been a really hectic month specially with the two long weekends we have all enjoyed. The trip to India went off really well. I loved the food although I was so worried about the weight I may have gained after all those yummy Idli’s and Dosa’s. For my luck nothing showed on the scale. … Continue reading

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Alright alright I know I’m late in wishing everyone but better late than never right? 😀 I have been keeping myself really busy in the recent past and thus the lack of posts, but I have made it a new year resolution to spend more time on my writing skills and … Continue reading


Better late than never! Happy New Year fellow bloggers. Hope this year brings you lots of sex and booze and on a mooshy note, love, peace and happiness. I’m sad that the Missing Sandwich has decided to stop sharing her life with us. I have really enjoyed reading her blog. 😦 I have made a … Continue reading